Project 365
365 Days, 365 Photos.
Starts January 1, 2011 with my Canon PowerShot G10.
Ends December 31, 2011 with my Canon EOS Rebel T2i.

February 12 (Day 43): This was the day I bought the Canon T2i, so Day 43 onward were photos taken with the SLR.
Day 1: "Obsession"

Gregory House is obsessed with Vicodin, I am obsessed with House MD.
Day 2: "Laze"
Day 3: "Brightened Day"

The sunlight made all those bright patterns on the buildings in Chinatown.
Day 4: "Paramount"
Day 5: "Do The Officer"
Day 6: "Shrine"
Day 7: "Coca Cola"

Long exposure shot. Can of Coke + Coke Reindeer Beanie Baby. Both are in my room, sitting on top of my dresser, at this moment... so I thought, "Why not?"

Coca-Cola should pay me now. :D
Day 8: "Ninja Car"

Again with my favorite: long exposure. But I wish my window screen wouldn't show. Hmph.

A car zooms through two double-parked cars that are side-by-side (you can see their blinking lights). It did like some James Bond type thing and flipped on its side and passed through. :D

In reality, the car on the left double-parked first. Then the car on the right wants to double-park as well, so it decides to double-park right next to an already double-parked car... -__-
And a car shows up (the "Ninja Car") and neither of the parked cars move... and then the car on the left finally moves. LOL.

The dumbasses I have on my street. Really.
Half of these motherfuckers don't know how to park. Fucking shit, I want to slash their tires for taking up 2 parking spots like fucking assholes.
Day 9: "Remembrance"

Do I miss the high school days?
Ehhh. I'm not sure. I don't really ever think about it, haha.

Just glad it's over... all these kiddies complaining about homework and whatnot make me laugh... at their suffering. :D BAHAHA!
Day 10: "A Night In Allston"
Day 11: "Blue Line"
Day 12: "Frozen"

Ice on the window.
Day 13: "Taste The Rainbow"

The Dunkin Donuts' rainbow, that is. (;
Day 14: "Stilled"
Day 15: "Zakim"
Day 16: "Icicle/Cunjamun"
Day 17: "From Boy To Man"

Left: Danny is our little baby. He needs a bib. :D
Right: Danny has grown into a man and ate 27 wings! VICTORY OF THE NIGHT! :D
Day 18: "Fire Breather"

This is a Serrano Pepper. This baby has 25,000 Scoville Heating Units. The Jalapeno only has 5,000 SHU.

I took a tiny slice of the MIDDLE of the pepper and ate it...
My mouth was on fire for about 10-15 minutes.
I drank orange soda prior to eating it, so I didn't want to drink milk. I drank a shit ton of water and that didn't help much. Then I ate salt. That helped. LOL.

Oh, and my ears actually hurt from the heat... so it was like my ears were on fire, without the actual flames or steam.

Day 19: "Ramen"
Day 20: "Nothingness"

I've been too goddamn lazy and the weather's just been stupid. I don't like going out and have my ass freeze, therefore I get photos like this.

It's where I just don't give a shit. LOL.
Day 21: "Two Years Later"
Day 22: "Sim Life"

What if we're all video game characters controlled by some other kind of beings in another universe? Like, what if we were actually like Sims? Everything we do is controlled by the players.

You know how we'll walk to another room to do something, and as we get to that room, we completely forget why we're there and what we were supposed to do? What if we're like Sims who've just had our activity queue canceled, and that's why we have no idea what we were going to do?

Day 23: "My Nude Model"

So Jay was sleeping, and this just totally reminded me of Jack's painting of Rose in 'Titanic', LOLOL. Only Rose exposed her breasts... and Jay has none to expose. :D
Day 24: "Airport Station"
Day 25: "Winter Flight"

I stared out the window and wasn't sure which one was more depressing: Watching planes take off and fly out, or watching the snow fall down... again.
Day 26: "Chillin' Berries"
Day 27: "Optimism"
Day 28: "Beauty"
(Originally Day 29)
Day 29: "Preparation"
(Originally Day 30)
Day 30: "Time Stands Still"
(Originally Day 28)
Day 31: "Broken"

I cracked my iPod Touch's screen when I dropped it at the gym. :/
Day 32: "Everybody Lies"

House MD + My phone = My current wallpaper.
House is a genius and he states the truth.

Everybody does lie.
Day 33: "Chicken, Anyone?"
Day 34: "Happy New Year!"
Day 35: "Guilty Pleasure"
Day 36: "Variety"
Day 37: "Escape Through the Eyes"
Day 38: "There's Light At The End"
Day 39: "Linked"
Day 40: "Thirsty"
Day 41: "Secrets of Supermarkets"

Supermarkets have the brightly colored vegetables in the front to catch your attention and to get you to consume more than you need.
Day 42: "Globe Bar & Cafe"
Day 43: "Lights"
Day 44: "New Year's Cat"
Day 45: "Food Orgasm"
Day 46: "Light's Out"
Day 47: "Hard Work"

He was trying to pull the sock off... >_> LOL.
Day 48: "Boston At Night"
Day 49: "Raindrops"

55mm, ISO-3200, 1/125s, f/5.6
Day 50: "Passion"
I will always have the passion for filming. (:

23mm, ISO-3200, 1/125s, f/3.5.
Day 51: "Wanting Something"
In this case, he was wanting the penny I hid under a frame on the table.

18mm, ISO-3200, 1/125s, f/3.5.
Day 52: "When Is Spring Arriving?"

18mm, ISO-1600, 1/125s, f/4.
Day 53: "Serious Shopping Business"

53mm, ISO-3200, 1/125s, f/6.3.
Day 54: "Kahlua"
The wrapping is like symbolizing my being underaged and it's acting as a cage telling me, "I'm locked until you're 21, dammit!" LOL.

55mm, ISO-3200, 1/30s, f/5.6.
Day 55: "'Did I Do That? You're Cleaning That Up.'"
... He rips up the toy and leaves me with the stuffing to clean up!

18mm, ISO-3200, 1/30s, f/4.5. (first two)
23mm, ISO-3200, 1/40s, f/4.5. (last)
Day 56: "Can This Snow End?!"

55mm, ISO-3200, 1/2s, f/5.6.
Day 57: "Fu Lu Shou"

50mm, ISO 3200, 1/30s, f/5.6.
Day 58: "Quinn Fabray"

Just because I want Dianna Agron/Quinn Fabray in my 365.
And I edited the colors because the other pins are irrelevant. ESPECIALLY that Obama one.

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/15s, f/5.6.
Day 59: "Long Exposure: Skyline At Night"

18mm, ISO 100, 30s, f/7.1.
Day 60: "No Trespassing"

18mm, ISO 250, 1/30s, f/4.5.
Day 61: "One Ring"

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/25s, f/5.6.
Day 62: "One Way To London"

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/40s, f/5.6.
Day 63: "Armed & Venomous"

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/50s, f/5.6.
Day 64: "10-Year-Old Dragon"
I bought this in Vietnam back in 2001. And I still have it. (:

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/25s, f/5.6.
Day 65: "Quarters"

55mm, ISO 3200, 1/40s, f/5.6.
Day 66: "Ready To Rock"
Ninjas are always ready.

25mm, ISO 3200, 1/25s, f/4.
Day 67: "Chelsea Creek"

55mm, ISO 100, 30s, f/7.1.
Day 68: "Sarah Jessica Parker"

This is how close I was to her.
She's in Boston along with Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) filming "I Don't Know How She Does It".

55mm, ISO 1600, 1/100s, f/5.6.
Day 69: "Sweet Heaven"

55mm, ISO 400, 1/100s, f/5.6.
Project 365

Project 365

365 Days, 365 Photos.
